Fellowship Foundations, serving preschool and elementary ages, is an exciting children's ministry that is intentional in teaching children the love of Christ, the life of Christ and His faithfulness towards them. Moving to the next level, Fellowship Fuel, serving middle school ages, is an energetic program aimed at steering high levels of excitement in the right direction - towards our Savior, Jesus Christ. Fellowship Frontline, for high schoolers, has three main objectives - leading teens to Christ, keeping teens engaged with Him, and preparing teens to take Him into the world that waits them. Finally, Fellowship Future focuses on young adults who are enrolled in college and preparing for life ahead. Not only does Future provides resources, but this ministry intentionally keeps this generation connected to God and to other believers whether they are home or away,  pursuing their academic goals or career choices. Our children's and youth ministries create age appropriate environments where children and youth are free to express themselves and enjoy others their age; but the primary goal is to plant seeds in their hearts that will grow at the time Jesus draws them to Himself. The Fellowship @ Tomball is here to assist parents in helping these young ones understand the call to salvation and encourage them to answer.